Announcing… a NIFDA Photo Contest!
Become a #USAFlagSpotter
Make Patriotism Go Viral in 3 Easy Steps!
Look for the American Flag in your Community.
Photograph the American Flag on display outside, inside, & at special events.
Submit your best photos & a completed Entry Form to:
NIFDA is looking for high-quality photos of the American Flag, which create a sense of pride, while in use or on display (outdoors, indoors, at special events and in every day life).
For artists motivated to create a work of art, representing the American Flag, just take a high-quality digital photo of the artwork to submit your entry.
ELIGIBILITY: Contest is Open to all High School Students; College Students; & Adults (18 & over), located in the U.S.A.
COST: No Purchase or Entry Fee is required.
THEME: The American Flag, representing all Americans during all times, and in any location. Images should promote a sense of Pride, Patriotism & Unity.
CONTEST OPENS: April 1, 2021.
DEADLINE for ENTRIES: August 31, 2021.
WINNERS ANNOUNCED: October 5, 2021 at NIFDA Convention in Illinois.
Submit Photos (jpgs), Entry Form and any Questions to: